Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Vast Wasteland Between the First and Second Date

Full disclosure: some (okay,a lot) of the reason for starting up this blog was the prompting of friends to write about my dating antics. It's true, many of my dating stories are one-of-a-kind. I know what you're thinking,but take my word for it, they haven't happened to you,or a friend. If you think you have heard my stories its because they now qualify as urban dating legends. I appreciate a good story but enough is enough. Bring on the happy ending.

So, last night I went on a date with a seriously cute, smiley, fun man. We met for dinner and really hit it off. There was laughing, kicking under the table referred to as "love taps, and a nice build up of flirtation. It was...dare I say it...a good date!

We drive our seperate ways and continue exchanging texts...when poof. Not. Another. Word. Uhhh what did I say,do,think to scare this smiling,flirting manly man away? My head fills with thoughts...93% of which are either completly insane or not even possible. The next day I learn( yes,from talking to him) the cell phone died an abrupt death...close call. But really, what is it about the time after a great date that makes me question myself. Everything from my shoes to the smell of my shampoo. The canyon of time and space between the first and second dates is brutal,slow, agonizing. Like some sort of modern day torture device. Every time I try to peptalk myself out of another bout with the thoughts of why did I buy peppermint gum when I know he would probably like spearmint better and every time I find myself shackled in the handcuffs of second date uncertainty. Call me a saddist...hell, put it in my dating profile and let the cycle begin again.

1 comment:

  1. you should hook up with this guy
