I try, for the most part, to keep my blog light and fluffy.Lately though, I have had one pressing issue on my mind...so this is my chance to get it out, I guess. How many of us read The Tortoise and the Hare? You know, the story about the cocky ass rabbit who thought he had the race in the bag...but he was all flighty, crazy and distracted by shiney things or something. Meanwhile, the pokey little turtle slowly dragged his ass across the finish line, in the end, beating out his flakey counterpart with sheer persistance. We get it...slow and steady. Whatever. I think if there were a back story, the two of them were probably besties. They probably grew up together, had dinner sometimes and swaped recipies and bitched about some other animal with it's own bag of issues. It seems though, that we are in constant competition with each other, and even more to our own detriment, with ourselves.
So I was out with one of my girlfriends at bingo the other day. Yeah, I go to bingo. That shit is hilarious. We have been ostrasized...but more on that later.(It merits its own post, trust me). Anyway, I was talking with my bingo buddy about all the ways in which we are fabulous and all the ways we fall short. I had an outloud epiphany "I guess, I measure my own success by the things I dont have". Whoa. It stopped my thoughts when I realized how much I have achieved, how much I have to be grateful for and how little I am able to realize it.
My life is pretty different than my married friends, some of whom have 3,4 even 5 kids. Okay, my life isn't a little different its 100% nothing like that. I have embraced other endeavors. I said I wanted to have a graduate degree by the time I was 30. I was 28. Done.That is an example. There are alot of things that are unique to me accomplishments, goals, struggles, and things to be happy about. Thank God I am good at being me. Too bad though, that I compare my own accomplishments with those of people who are not even running the same race. We are so hard on each other...so hard on ourselves that we are damn near blind to the goodness that wells up all around us.
So to my friend, who may take her sweet ass time to get wherever she is going. And to the one who is confident enough to let go and look at the shiney stuff. Run your race girl, however you want to, however long it takes, its yours to win.
What animal is the "wander aimlessly" type? That's what kind I am!